Monday, June 9, 2008

How to make creature cards

In order to make your own cards, you will need the following, a playing card, blue bristol board, blank paper, glue, pencil, pencil crayons, and a brain with creative intentions. First, place the playing card against a piece of blank paper, trace around the edges until you get a playing card shaped traced pencil line. cut on the lines and glue onto the bristol board, cut on the edges of the paper untuil you get a card shaped paper on a card shaped bristol board. On the top left corner, make a level and right to it, write the name of the card. Below the text, draw a box that goes from below the text to about one thrird from the bottom (see the card Toro) Below the box and to the left, write A- and right of the -, write the sttack power of your creature. Below A-, write D- and right of the -, write the creature's defense. To the right of the A- write the type of your creature, e.g. fire, water e.t.c. and below the type, write the special ability if the creature has one, if it doesn't, draw a dash, for more information on where everything is, see the Toro card.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who wrote that?

bug or zeke?